Razor burn treatment
Razor burn treatment

razor burn treatment

If you’ve ever aggressively attacked a spot on your body or face with a razor or you have to shave an area over and over again, odds are you probably have given yourself a razor burn that way. This is what we refer to as a sharp shave, so razor burn is often caused by a not-so-sharp shave. The physical strain is caused because the razor is not providing a smooth, clean, and sharp shave. It is usually a direct result of an old razor, a dirty razor, dry shaving without the proper prep and lubrication, or going against the grain of the hair when you shave.

razor burn treatment

One type of razor burn is called folliculitis and that is a fancy word for a physical strain on the hair follicles.


Razor burn is an actual inflammation of the skin caused by a razor Think of a pimple caused by a trapped hair under your skin. The hair actually gets trapped under your skin and the reaction is a raised, red, and sometimes puss-filled bump. The bumps occur post-shaving when your hair starts to grow back, but it curls back on itself and actually grows into the skin. These are very different from razor BURN.

razor burn treatment

One thing we want to make sure you’re reading correctly is that we’re talking about razor BUMPS. We're going to drop a truckload on you so that you can defeat those bumps and groom with impunity. If that sounds familiar, then the only thing holding you back is knowledge. They are also something that seem to plague you no matter how carefully you shave. They are a red, patchy rash reaction to the way new hair grows back after being shaved that is miserable. Razor bumps are one of the significant drawbacks to grooming. If you use a razor, regardless of who you are or what area you’re shaving, razor bumps are a very real thing, and they are just horrible.

Razor burn treatment